6 Questions for When Energy is Churning

Are you feeling the energy churn? If you are energy sensitive, you may feel anxious or exhausted when you look at the news.  And sometimes the energy is mixed with changes we want to make in our own lives so we feel like we can’t separate what is ours (family, job issues, health or money issues) from what we are picking up from the world (political unease, environmental concerns, etc.).  I call this feeling the energy churn.  That internal tornado of feelings that stirs up all sorts of thoughts.  “We need to change.  I don’t know what to do!  The world feels unsafe! I don’t want to do this!” It can be so easy to let the energy churn and end up wanting to pull the covers over your head and check out for a while.  I’ve been having more and more days where I have wanted to pull the […]

Rose quartz heart on stones

Adding Love to 2019

As we begin the new year, I am challenging myself with two questions designed to remind me to focus on adding love to 2019. After all love is that special sauce, the secret ingredient that makes everything better.  It certainly feels like we all could use some more of it. 1.     How can I demonstrate LOVE to myself? You may say things to yourself that you never would say to other people.  Or you put other people’s needs first and your heart is crying out for some care and concern for you.  Maybe you fell off the healthy eating wagon and you want to get back on without beating yourself up.  Or perhaps you always go for the attainable rather than your big dreams.   What would your loving self say or do for you? Last year I started a practice of saying the Ho’oponopono prayer as a mantra for a […]